Why do people think making all drugs legal will solve all the problems? - automatic blunt rolling machine
Do you really believe if we legalize drugs would not be a war against drugs? There will always be there. If legalized, it will be dealt with in many ways. Drug traffickers to thrive again, you need to pharmacies illegal sources and the sale legally buy - as they do now with prescription drugs. And you still have a crack heads in the region under the table get.
Allows a little common sense is now ready. These people seem terribly polite close. Sorry, to be honest, "but it's just the way I am.
The weapons are legal, but it is a huge underground market for them. I wonder why? Is regulated. I want a fully automatic weapon semi-automatic play is not boring. etc. etc.
The war against drugs has no end, and yes, a dead end. But everything is political. In a perfect world, the solution would be surprising work, but waking up sausages. It is not.
Take a look at the survey, companies that are not as clean as it looks = D
Drugs and a moral problem when they become victims of violence .. II've been there. I smoke weed and other things from time to time, and I did not push to legalize something. This would build bridges.
Sorry for the rant, because I had a lot of these questions .. Simple-minded fools bother me. Yes, I know that my grammar is terrible, it's a forum.
Automatic Blunt Rolling Machine Why Do People Think Making All Drugs Legal Will Solve All The Problems?
9:53 PM
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