I am going on a hiking trip with my school. And Im really pumped. But I need some help on what to bring.? - camping hiking supplies
I'm going on tour in the next few weeks with my school and I need help to get something for my trip. My family never goes camping / hiking. My father did not love, or my mother and my brother couldnt take care of him. But I like it outdoors, and take risks. The only problem is that I have no art or hiking experience. They told me that I need to travel light and practical, but I want to be comfortable. I'm going for two nights and three days. I know I will not practicle more comfort at a tour of the IM, but I just need some advice from people who have experience in this field, have something to bring, light, and this is for me to carry up to 8 hours but also sleep comfortably at night. My school is supporting us with backpacks and hiking Stoneveld small portable stoves. We are a group for this trip through the tents that some people do, and we have everything to prepare a meal for the group during the trip. I also bring self-inflating mattresses and kitchen utensils as well as some. What should I bring into the room more comfortable? (including personalnal excluding items, iPods, and technical devices are not allowed to wear)
Camping Hiking Supplies I Am Going On A Hiking Trip With My School. And Im Really Pumped. But I Need Some Help On What To Bring.?
9:38 AM
I do not know what will the weather be like when you are camping, but I suggest you check the weather ahead of time. When my family goes camping in the area of McCurtain Beavers Bend in the southern county of Oklahoma, is generally very comfortable, but it can at night in the winter cold. Since you want to make it as easy as possible, I would say by a few pairs of socks, underwear and shirts. Make your outer layers of both durable and easy to open and outside, if necessary, but no extras. Make sure a hat and good walking shoes or shoes with a tread and at least protect your feet together. You can also keep a toothbrush and a sunscreen has a built-in insect repellent. If you are on foot blisters, which often involved ... Stripes is an anti-friction stick that is, 34 ounces, so it easily fits in a backpack. It looks like a stick deodorant and rub it in places where you can bubbles before they get to socks.
Always have fun in BeaverRS Bend State Park, fishing, trout. We do not have a pot to cook our catch, used aluminum foil. They make a package / envelope the fish with aluminum foil and seal it in, then placed into the flame for about three minutes per side. It is delicious and easy and requires no washing pots and pans. Even if you catch any fish, you can prepare something else in the package of sheets, which is not liquid.
Have a good trip!
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